const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonStyle, } = require("discord.js"); const SpyfallGame = require("../../models/SpyfallGame"); const SpyfallLocation = require("../../models/SpyfallLocation"); const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid"); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName("spyfall") .setDescription("Start a game of Spyfall."), async execute(interaction) { const guildId =; const gameId = uuidv4(); const existingGame = await SpyfallGame.findOne({ gameId }); if (existingGame && existingGame.status === "ongoing") { return interaction.reply( "A game is already in progress! Please finish the current game first." ); } try { const locations = await SpyfallLocation.find({}); if (!locations || locations.length === 0) { return interaction.reply("No locations found. Please try again later."); } const selectedLocation = locations[Math.floor(Math.random() * locations.length)].name; const players = new Set(); const joinEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#ffcc00") .setTitle("Join the Spyfall Game!") .setDescription("Click the button below to join the game.") .addFields({ name: "Current Players:", value: "None yet." }) .setFooter({ text: "You need at least 2 players to start!" }) .setTimestamp(); const joinButton = new ButtonBuilder() .setCustomId("join_game") .setLabel("Join Game") .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Success); const leaveButton = new ButtonBuilder() .setCustomId("leave_game") .setLabel("Leave Game") .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Danger); const startButton = new ButtonBuilder() .setCustomId("start_game") .setLabel("Start Game") .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) .setDisabled(true); const buttonRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents( joinButton, leaveButton, startButton ); const joinMessage = await interaction.reply({ embeds: [joinEmbed], components: [buttonRow], fetchReply: true, }); const filter = (i) => i.customId === "join_game" || i.customId === "leave_game" || i.customId === "start_game"; const collector = joinMessage.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter }); collector.on("collect", async (i) => { try { if (!players.has( && i.customId !== "join_game") { return i.reply({ content: "You cannot interact with this button.", ephemeral: true, }); } if (i.customId === "join_game") { if (players.has( { return i.reply({ content: "You are already in the game!", ephemeral: true, }); } players.add(; const currentPlayers = Array.from(players) .map( (id) => interaction.guild.members.cache.get(id).user.username ) .join(", ") || "None yet."; joinEmbed .setDescription("Click the button below to join the game.") .setFields([{ name: "Current Players:", value: currentPlayers }]); if (players.size >= 2) { startButton.setDisabled(false); } await i.update({ embeds: [joinEmbed], components: [buttonRow] }); } else if (i.customId === "leave_game") { if (players.has( { players.delete(; const currentPlayers = Array.from(players) .map( (id) => interaction.guild.members.cache.get(id).user.username ) .join(", ") || "None yet."; joinEmbed .setDescription("Click the button below to join the game.") .setFields([ { name: "Current Players:", value: currentPlayers }, ]); await i.update({ embeds: [joinEmbed], components: [buttonRow] }); } else { await i.reply({ content: "You are not part of the game.", ephemeral: true, }); } } else if (i.customId === "start_game") { if (players.size < 2) { return i.reply({ content: "You need at least 2 players to start the game.", ephemeral: true, }); } const spyIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * players.size); const spy = Array.from(players)[spyIndex]; const newGame = new SpyfallGame({ gameId, guildId, location: selectedLocation, spy, players: Array.from(players), status: "ongoing", }); await; const locationMessage = `The game has started! The location is **${selectedLocation}**.`; for (const playerId of players) { const player = await interaction.guild.members.cache.get(playerId) .user; if (playerId !== spy) { await player.send(locationMessage); } else { await player.send( "The game has started! You are the spy! Try to blend in!" ); } } const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#ffcc00") .setTitle("Spyfall Game Started!") .setDescription("The game has started! One of you is the spy!") .setFooter({ text: "The spy must figure out the location without revealing themselves!", }) .setTimestamp(); await interaction.followUp({ embeds: [embed], components: [] }); collector.stop(); await{ content: "The game has started! Use `/stopspyfall` to end it.", }); await startQuestioningPhase( interaction, spy, players, selectedLocation, gameId ); return; } } catch (error) { console.error("Error during button interaction:", error); await i.reply({ content: "There was an error processing your request. Please try again later.", ephemeral: true, }); } }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching locations or starting the game:", error); await interaction.reply( "There was an error fetching locations or starting the game. Please try again later." ); } }, }; async function startQuestioningPhase( interaction, spy, players, selectedLocation, gameId ) { const ongoingGame = await SpyfallGame.findOne({ gameId }); if (!ongoingGame || ongoingGame.status !== "ongoing") { return; } const playerArray = Array.from(players); let currentIndex = 0; async function askQuestion() { if (currentIndex >= playerArray.length) { return startVotingPhase(interaction, spy, playerArray, gameId); } const currentPlayerId = playerArray[currentIndex]; const currentPlayer = interaction.guild.members.cache.get(currentPlayerId).user; const questionEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#ffcc00") .setTitle("Your Turn to Ask a Question!") .setDescription( `It's **${currentPlayer.username}**'s turn to ask a question about the location.` ) .setFooter({ text: "Click 'Finish Turn' when you're done." }); const finishButton = new ButtonBuilder() .setCustomId(`finish_turn_${currentPlayerId}`) .setLabel("Finish Turn") .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary); const buttonRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(finishButton); await{ embeds: [questionEmbed], components: [buttonRow], }); const filter = (i) => i.customId === `finish_turn_${currentPlayerId}` && === currentPlayerId; const collector ={ filter, time: 30000, }); collector.on("collect", async (i) => { await i.reply({ content: "Your turn has ended!", ephemeral: true }); collector.stop(); }); collector.on("end", async () => { currentIndex++; await askQuestion(); }); } askQuestion(); } async function startVotingPhase( interaction, spy, players, gameId, selectedLocation ) { // Ensure players is an array if (!Array.isArray(players)) { console.error("Players is not an array:", players); return; } const ongoingGame = await SpyfallGame.findOne({ gameId }); if (!ongoingGame || ongoingGame.status !== "ongoing") { return; } const votes = new Map(); const voteEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#ffcc00") .setTitle("Voting Phase") .setDescription( "Vote for who you think the spy is! (You cannot vote for yourself)" ) .setFooter({ text: "Click the buttons below to vote." }); const voteButtons = => new ButtonBuilder() .setCustomId(`vote_${playerId}`) .setLabel(interaction.guild.members.cache.get(playerId).user.username) .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) ); const voteRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(voteButtons); const voteMessage = await{ embeds: [voteEmbed], components: [voteRow], }); const voteFilter = (i) => i.customId.startsWith("vote_") && players.includes(; const voteCollector = voteMessage.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter: voteFilter, }); voteCollector.on("collect", async (i) => { const votedPlayerId = i.customId.split("_")[1]; if ( === votedPlayerId) { await i.reply({ content: "You cannot vote for yourself.", ephemeral: true, }); return; } // Add the vote votes.set(votedPlayerId, (votes.get(votedPlayerId) || 0) + 1); await i.reply({ content: `You voted for ${ interaction.guild.members.cache.get(votedPlayerId).user.username }.`, ephemeral: true, }); if (votes.size === players.length) { voteCollector.stop(); await revealSpy(interaction, spy, votes, selectedLocation, gameId); } }); voteCollector.on("end", async () => { if (votes.size > 0) { await revealSpy(interaction, spy, votes, selectedLocation, gameId); } else { await"Voting timed out! No votes were cast."); } }); } async function revealSpy(interaction, spy, votes, selectedLocation, gameId) { const voteEntries = Array.from(votes.entries()); const highestVote = Math.max([_, v]) => v)); const suspectedSpy = voteEntries.find(([_, v]) => v === highestVote)[0]; const resultEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#ffcc00") .setTitle("Voting Results") .addFields( { name: "Suspected Spy:", value: interaction.guild.members.cache.get(suspectedSpy).user.username, }, { name: "Actual Spy:", value: interaction.guild.members.cache.get(spy).user.username, } ) .setFooter({ text: suspectedSpy === spy ? "The spy has been caught!" : "The spy has escaped!", }) .setTimestamp(); const result = await SpyfallGame.updateOne({ gameId }, { status: "ended" }); if (result.modifiedCount === 0) { console.log("No game found or status was already 'ended'."); } await{ embeds: [resultEmbed] }); }