const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder, PermissionsBitField, } = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName("help") .setDescription("Lists all available commands"), async execute(interaction, client) { try { // Check if the user has the Manage Roles permission const isMod = interaction.member.permissions.has( PermissionsBitField.Flags.ManageRoles ); const serverName =; const helpEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#0099ff") .setTitle("Available Commands") .setDescription( "This bot comes from an Open Source project developed by [Ayden](\n\nHere are all the available commands:" ) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({ text: `${serverName} | Made with ❤️ by Ayden`, iconURL: client.user.displayAvatarURL(), }); // Group commands into general and mod-only const generalCommands = []; const modCommands = []; client.commands.forEach((command) => { const commandLine = `/${} - ${}`; if (!command.isModOnly) { generalCommands.push(commandLine); } else if (isMod) { modCommands.push(`${commandLine} (Mods only)`); } }); helpEmbed.addFields({ name: `General Commands (${generalCommands.length} available)`, value: generalCommands.length > 0 ? generalCommands.join("\n") : "No general commands available.", inline: false, }); if (isMod) { helpEmbed.addFields({ name: `Mod-Only Commands (${modCommands.length} available)`, value: modCommands.length > 0 ? modCommands.join("\n") : "No mod-only commands available.", inline: false, }); } await interaction.reply({ embeds: [helpEmbed], }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error executing the help command:", error); await interaction.reply({ content: "There was an error while executing this command!", ephemeral: true, }); } }, };