const { SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionFlagsBits } = require("discord.js"); const ServerSettings = require("../../models/ServerSettings"); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName("setup") .setDescription("Configure server settings for verification.") .addChannelOption((option) => option .setName("logchannel") .setDescription("Select the log channel for logging actions.") .setRequired(true) ) .addChannelOption((option) => option .setName("generalchannel") .setDescription("Select the general channel for join messages.") .setRequired(true) ) .addChannelOption((option) => option .setName("verificationchannel") .setDescription("Select the verification channel where users verify.") .setRequired(true) ) .addRoleOption((option) => option .setName("verifiedrole") .setDescription("Select the Verified role for verified users.") .setRequired(true) ) .addStringOption((option) => option .setName("emaildomains") .setDescription("Comma-separated list of allowed email domains.") .setRequired(true) ) .addChannelOption((option) => option .setName("actionitemschannel") .setDescription( "Select the allowed channel for action items. (Optional)" ) .setRequired(false) ), async execute(interaction) { // Check if the user has admin permissions if ( !interaction.member.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.Administrator) ) { return interaction.reply({ content: "You do not have permission to use this command.", ephemeral: true, }); } const logChannel = interaction.options.getChannel("logchannel"); const generalChannel = interaction.options.getChannel("generalchannel"); const verificationChannel = interaction.options.getChannel( "verificationchannel" ); const verifiedRole = interaction.options.getRole("verifiedrole"); const emailDomains = interaction.options .getString("emaildomains") .split(",") .map((domain) => domain.trim()); const actionitemschannel = interaction.options.getChannel("actionitemschannel"); try { // Store the channel IDs instead of names await ServerSettings.findOneAndUpdate( { guildId: }, { guildId:, logChannelId:, verifiedRoleName:, verificationChannelId:, generalChannelId:, emailDomains: emailDomains, actionItemsChannelId: actionitemschannel ? : null, }, { upsert: true, new: true } ); interaction.reply({ content: `Server settings have been updated successfully!\n **Log Channel**: <#${}>\n **General Channel**: <#${}>\n **Verification Channel**: <#${}>\n **Verified Role**: ${}\n **Allowed Email Domains**: ${emailDomains.join(", ")}\n **Action Item Channel**: ${ actionitemschannel ? `<#${}>` : "None" }`, ephemeral: true, }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error updating server settings:", error); interaction.reply({ content: "There was an error updating the server settings.", ephemeral: true, }); } }, };