const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder, PermissionFlagsBits, } = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName("purge") .setDescription("Deletes messages from the channel") .addStringOption((option) => option .setName("type") .setDescription("Type of purge operation") .setRequired(true) .addChoices( { name: "Purge Specific Number", value: "specific" }, { name: "Purge All", value: "all" } ) ) .addIntegerOption((option) => option .setName("amount") .setDescription("The number of messages to delete (1-100)") .setRequired(false) .setMinValue(1) .setMaxValue(100) ), isModOnly: true, async execute(interaction) { try { // Check if the user has the Manage Messages permission if ( !interaction.member.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageMessages) ) { await interaction.reply({ content: "You do not have permission to use this command!", ephemeral: true, }); return; } const type = interaction.options.getString("type"); let amount = interaction.options.getInteger("amount"); const logChannelId = process.env.LOG_CHANNEL_ID; const logChannel = interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(logChannelId); if (type === "specific") { // Ensure the number of messages to delete is between 1 and 100 if (amount < 1 || amount > 100) { await interaction.reply({ content: "Please specify a number between 1 and 100.", ephemeral: true, }); return; } // Delete a specific number of messages const fetchedMessages = await{ limit: amount, }); await; const purgeEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#ff0000") .setTitle("Messages Purged") .setDescription(`Successfully deleted ${amount} messages.`) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({ text: `Requested by ${interaction.user.tag}`, iconURL: interaction.user.displayAvatarURL(), }); // Send confirmation as ephemeral message await interaction.reply({ embeds: [purgeEmbed], ephemeral: true, }); // Send log to the logs channel if (logChannel) { const logEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#ff0000") .setTitle("Purge Operation") .setDescription( `User ${interaction.user.tag} purged ${amount} messages from ${}.` ) .setTimestamp(); await logChannel.send({ embeds: [logEmbed] }); } } else if (type === "all") { // Purge all messages (up to 100 messages at a time) let messages; let deletedMessagesCount = 0; do { messages = await{ limit: 100 }); if (messages.size === 0) break; deletedMessagesCount += messages.size; await; } while (messages.size >= 2); // Keep fetching and deleting until no more messages are left const purgeEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#ff0000") .setTitle("All Messages Purged") .setDescription("Successfully deleted all messages in the channel.") .setTimestamp() .setFooter({ text: `Requested by ${interaction.user.tag}`, iconURL: interaction.user.displayAvatarURL(), }); // Send confirmation as ephemeral message await interaction.reply({ embeds: [purgeEmbed], ephemeral: true, }); // Send log to the logs channel if (logChannel) { const logEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#ff0000") .setTitle("Purge Operation") .setDescription( `User ${interaction.user.tag} purged all messages from ${}. Total messages deleted: ${deletedMessagesCount}.` ) .setTimestamp(); await logChannel.send({ embeds: [logEmbed] }); } } } catch (error) { console.error("Error executing purge command:", error); try { await interaction.reply({ content: "There was an error while executing this command!", ephemeral: true, }); } catch (replyError) { console.error("Error replying to interaction:", replyError); } } }, };