const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder } = require("discord.js"); const axios = require("axios"); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName("urban") .setDescription("Get the definition from Urban Dictionary") .addStringOption((option) => option .setName("term") .setDescription("The term to look up") .setRequired(true) ), async execute(interaction, client) { const term = interaction.options.getString("term"); const url = `${encodeURIComponent( term )}`; const options = { method: "GET", url: url, headers: { "X-RapidAPI-Key": "272f95b62amsh3dddd28f7289395p1bd2a9jsna5ee0dd5d9ea", // public API key please dont shout at me, "X-RapidAPI-Host": "", }, }; try { const response = await axios.request(options); const data =; if (data.list.length === 0) { return await interaction.reply({ content: "🚫 No definitions found.", ephemeral: true, }); } const definition = data.list[0]; const author = || "Unknown"; // Default if author info is missing const guild = interaction.guild; const serverName =; const serverIcon = guild.iconURL(); const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor("#3498db") .setTitle(`📚 Definition of: **${definition.word}**`) .setDescription(definition.definition) .setThumbnail( "" ) .addFields( { name: "📖 Example", value: definition.example || "No example provided", inline: false, }, { name: "👍 Votes", value: `${definition.thumbs_up} 👍 | ${definition.thumbs_down} 👎`, inline: true, }, { name: "✍️ Submitted by", value: author, inline: false, } ) .setFooter({ text: `Powered by Urban Dictionary | ${serverName}`, iconURL: serverIcon, }) .setTimestamp(); await interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed] }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching Urban Dictionary term:", error); await interaction.reply({ content: "⚠️ There was an error while fetching the term. Please try again later.", ephemeral: true, }); } }, };