const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require("discord.js"); const { getAIResponse } = require("../../utils/aiAPI"); const QuotaUsage = require("../../models/QuotaUsage"); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName("chat") .setDescription("Chat with AI") .addStringOption((option) => option .setName("message") .setDescription("Your message to the AI") .setRequired(true) ), async execute(interaction) { await interaction.deferReply(); // Defer initial response try { const guildId =; const input = interaction.options.getString("message"); const currentMonthYear = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 7); // Check quota first let quotaUsage = await QuotaUsage.findOne({ guildId, monthYear: currentMonthYear, }); if (!quotaUsage) { quotaUsage = new QuotaUsage({ guildId, monthYear: currentMonthYear }); await; } if (quotaUsage.quotaUsed >= quotaUsage.quotaLimit) { return await interaction.editReply( "❌ This server has reached its monthly usage limit." ); } // Update quota after successful check quotaUsage.quotaUsed += 1; await; // Get AI response with retry logic const model_name = "facebook/blenderbot-3B"; let aiResponse = null; let attempts = 0; while (!aiResponse && attempts < 3) { attempts++; aiResponse = await getAIResponse(model_name, input); if (!aiResponse) { await interaction.editReply(`⏳ AI is waking up...`); } } if (aiResponse) { await interaction.editReply(aiResponse.generated_text); } else { await interaction.editReply( "❌ Failed to get response after 3 attempts. Please try again later." ); } } catch (error) { console.error("Command Error:", error); await interaction.editReply( "⚠️ An error occurred. Please try again later." ); } }, };